The Adventure of Nic: Teenage Guy in Pursuit of Something

Nicolas Montes- Gonzalez

CharNG N+7:
For giving goblins broken english speech in the short alternate ending.

Use Googlism to describe various objects and scenery in the new portion of the story where you sail out to the sea in search for an island with people

Crowd Sourced different events that will happen during time spent sailing and foraging on islands

Voice box used for coming up with several names for the players sloop(boat) depending on the name chosen could lead to the players early death or the end of the game

Anagram Generator:
To give the inhabitants of an a name, like a tribe name. Weird “Wild” people. And also alternate ending atlantians… anal titans……….why

Oblique Strategies:
Used to come up with different things to be done and to inspire different ideas throughout the game

Would anybody want it?
Lost in useless territory
Only a part, not the whole
Do we need holes?
Once the search is in progress, something will be found

Twine variable was for the door near the beginning of the game.
Twine array for when you catch a random fish near the end of the game.